Laravel vs Django - Which Web Development Framework is Better?

August 23, 2021

Laravel vs Django - Which Web Development Framework is Better?

Are you looking for a web development framework to build your next project? Well, you have landed in the right place. In this blog, we will make an impartial comparison between two of the most popular web development frameworks, Laravel and Django. We will compare both technologies based on their features, performance, syntax, learning curve, and community support.


Laravel is a PHP-based web development framework, created by Taylor Otwell in 2011. It has gained immense popularity in the PHP community over the years. Laravel aims to make the development process easier by providing well-structured code syntax, powerful abstraction, and a wide range of helper functions. Laravel is MVC-based and follows convention over configuration principles.


  • Blade Templating Engine
  • Eloquent ORM
  • Artisan CLI
  • Built-in Authentication
  • Database Migration
  • Task Scheduler
  • Mail Service


Laravel performance is pretty good in small to medium-sized applications. In large applications, performance declines. Laravel's robust architecture provides excellent performance for small to medium-sized web applications.


Laravel has a clean, elegant syntax with well-structured code. It follows modern PHP practices, including namespaces, closures, and anonymous classes.

Learning Curve

Laravel is relatively easy to learn because it is well-documented with several online resources available. The availability of multiple tutorials, documentation, and online communities have made Laravel very beginner-friendly.

Community Support

Laravel has one of the largest open-source communities, with over 72,000 Github stars and over 1,000 contributors. This large community ensures robust support, including documentation, forums, and seminars.


Django is a high-level Python web development framework, created by Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison in 2003. Like Laravel, Django is also an MVC-based framework that is designed to offer a web development process from scratch through to deployment.


  • ORM
  • Templating System
  • Forms
  • HTTP Libraries
  • Authentication
  • Admin Interface


Django's performance is excellent in handling large-scale web applications. Django has a steep learning curve compared to Laravel, but the result is a robust framework with performance that scales.


Django's syntax follows Python's syntax, which can be unfamiliar to PHP developers. However, Django is consistent and well-organized with a clear naming convention.

Learning Curve

Due to the advanced concepts in Python, Django has a slightly steeper learning curve than Laravel. However, if you are already familiar with Python, Django will be comparatively easy to learn.

Community Support

Django has a large and active community, with over 40,000 Github stars and more than 2,000 contributors. With this vast community, the framework is well-documented and has numerous online resources.


Attribute Laravel Django
Performance Good (small-medium) Excellent (large-scale)
Syntax Clean, Elegant Pythonic
Learning Curve Relatively Easy Moderate
Community Support Large and Active Large and Active

In conclusion, both Laravel and Django are excellent web development frameworks, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses. If you are proficient in Python or require excellent performance in handling large-scale applications, Django is the way to go. However, if you are looking for a beginner-friendly framework with excellent community support and clean syntax, Laravel is a better choice.

We hope this comparison has made it easier for you to choose the right framework for your project. Remember to make your pick based on your particular project's requirements. Happy coding!


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